PREVIMER is a pre-operational system aiming to provide a wide range of users, from private individuals to professionals, with observations and short-term forecasts about the coastal environment along the French coastlines bordering the English Channel, the Atlantic Ocean, and the Mediterranean Sea.
Coriolis data center aggregates in situ data for operational oceanography as well as research community needs. In collaboration with Puertos Del Estado, Coriolis provides an integrated access to in situ data in the IBI area.
The portal REFMAR (SHOM) coordinates the collection, archiving and dissemination of observations of sea level on all areas under French jurisdiction. This includes several tide gauge networks such as RONIM or ROSAME (a full lististing), with tide gauges sites in the southern Indian Ocean, the Pacific Ocean and the Caribbean. Sea level observations are available in the form of unvalidated heights (raw data), validated heights, and surge values.
Mercator-Ocean/ Puertos Del Estado IBI regional product
The operational IBI (Iberian Biscay Irish) Ocean Analysis and Forecasting system, daily run by Puertos del Estado and Mercator Ocean, provides a 5-day hydrodynamic forecast (+ 1 day of hindcast as best estimate) including high frequency processes of paramount importance to characterize regional scale marine processes (i.e. tidal forcing, surges and high frequency atmospheric forcing, fresh water river discharge, etc.). The system is based on a (eddy-resolving) NEMO model application run at 1/36 deg. horizontal resolution.
Mercator-Ocean/ Puertos Del Estado IBI regional product
The operational IBI (Iberian Biscay Irish) Ocean Analysis and Forecasting system, daily run by Puertos del Estado and Mercator Ocean, provides a 5-day hydrodynamic forecast (+ 1 day of hindcast as best estimate) including high frequency processes of paramount importance to characterize regional scale marine processes (i.e. tidal forcing, surges and high frequency atmospheric forcing, fresh water river discharge, etc.). The system is based on a (eddy-resolving) NEMO model application run at 1/36 deg. horizontal resolution.
The Galicia Coast Operational Modeling System produce daily results for next three days forecast for the Western Iberian Coast. Hydrodynamic (ROMS and MOHID) and wave (WaveWatch III and SWAN) models are run operationally by MeteoGalicia ( and can be downloaded through the Thredds server at
In the Thredds server other model forecasts based on WRF (atmosphere) or SWAT (river outflows) can also downloaded.
Portuguese Coast Operational Modelling System (PCOMS)
The Portuguese Coast Operational Modelling System (PCOMS) produce daily hydrodynamic results for the previous day and three days forecast for the Western Iberia Coast ran by the MARETEC team (Marine Environment and Technology Center at the Instituto Superior Técnico ( The obtained results would serve as ocean boundary conditions to different local models where a higher model resolution is needed, bringing ocean forecasts to more specific areas.
Marine Institute
The Irish Marine Institute runs several ocean models that are provided routinely to users. These include a 2km horizontal resolution model of the Irish region with 40 vertical levels using the ROMS model. ROMS is also nested for two bays, Galway Bay and Bantry Bay at an approximate horizontal resolution of 200m, with 20 vertical levels.